Wednesday, February 13, 2013

1968 Vogue Fashion

Love these little gems from the Sept 1968 Vogue magazine

What could be sweeter than this fun jumper worn over a knit dress...

Wow, $270 for a dress in 1968

Here's a simple shift jumper over a blouse, looks like it has a jacket...

I like the button band across the front.

I really like this tweed coat by Anne Fogarty and the drawing rendition, kind of reminds me of Peter Max's style.

This ad is for Faberge found at Frost Bros. San Antonio, Texas World's Fair City

This is another really cool dress by Don Simonelli with the strips of nailheaded leather ...

Not sure what the cigar in the ad is all about.  Dress sold for $80

I see a lot of the current fashion in these 1960s vintage styles. Styles do tend to recycle through fashion. 

Have a favorite style, leave a comment and share...


  1. Love these! So many 1960s styles are so transferable to today. I especially love the Anne Fogarty coat.

  2. I really enjoyed wearing this style in the 60s, I felt so groovy! Although I was always shopping the thrift stores for items from the 20s - 50s, the 20s and 30s being vintage at that time, ;)
