Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What does Millie the Model have to do with Frederick's of Hollywood?

The two together is how I started my career in fashion design and more specifically in loving fashion. As a young girl, and of course knowing this will age me, but I know you won't tell, I had a passion for drawing and creating. I used my favorite comic character and catalogs my mother ordered, I was far to young to order from the Frederick catalog, as inspirations for my drawings and clothing designs.

Goodbye my most fashionable Millie, Chili and Jill! Marvel comics put a demise to your sophistication and turned you all into a real cartoon character, probably to keep Archie and his gang in good company.
You all were some curvy young women! 
I still love your outfits, yes they are very goovey indeed, but your makeup looks terrible. Oh, and lets not forget about your many hairstyle moods.  Older millie the model hairdo shots and.....
New redo Millie and Chili hairdos, swinging hairstyles for life in the 60s.
You can see more about Millie and her friends on this blog at

And as for Frederick's of Hollywood, well just look at the drawings

they were just so much fun to redraw and work out my own designs, it was easy to work with curves and show off design details. Of course, my orginal designs did not have such pointy bust, I thought that was a little to un-natural, after all it was the sixty's.    Love vintage!


  1. Sensational...Love what you've done Victoria!!!
    I feel quite sentimental now....
    Great post

  2. yes, they had such fantastic curves and style! i felt the same about betty and veronica.

    thanks for stopping by, by the way. it's funny you mentioned tea, i'm serving some on monday! drop by anytime... ;)

    ~ ana

  3. Hi! Found you through Gail McCormack's blog. I love the comics... I remember reading them and the Archie comics. Thanks for the memories! Monique xx

  4. These FH drawings are beautiful! Great find. <3

    -Dyanna Pure

  5. I can see why these drawings inspired you-- they're fabulous. It's funny to see vintage Fredricks-- pretty different designs now! love your blog. following you through gfc

  6. Found this site while searching for Millie books from 1958 period. In 6th grade I submitted a design to the comic book and it was published. Would love to get a copy of that book! My name and address was in it and I was contacted by a young girl from Guernsey who became my pen pal. Thanks for the memory!
